Wednesday 9 December 2015


"Wahai Tuhan kami! Sesungguhnya aku telah menempatkan sebahagian dari zuriat keturunanku di sebuah lembah (Tanah Suci Makkah) yang tidak tanaman padanya, di sisi rumahMu yang diharamkan mencerobohinya. Wahai Tuhan kami, (mereka ditempatkan di situ) supaya mereka mendirikan sembahyang (dan memakmurkannya dengan ibadat). Oleh itu, jadikanlah hati sebahagian dari manusia tertarik gemar kepada mereka, (supaya datang beramai-ramai ke situ), dan kurniakanlah rezeki kepada mereka dari berbagai jenis buah-buahan dan hasil tanaman, semoga mereka bersyukur.

Setiap jiwa manusia, pasti akan merasai kegelisahan, keresahan ataupun kerisauan. Ini pastinya satu fitrah yang telah pun Allah anugerahkan kepada makhluk-Nya yang teristimewa ini. Apabila dalam kekalutan, keresahan, kerisauan, maka manusia itu menginginkan ketenangan dan pastinya dia akan berusaha untuk mencari ketenangan tersebut. Sakinah itulah yang membawa maksud ketenangan, atau dari segi bahasanya diam seketika. Jika Allah hendak berikan ketenangan itu, pastinya Dia akan menguji hamba-Nya terlebih dahulu supaya kita dapat menikmati nikmat (ketenangan) itu dengan sepenuhnya.

Ramai manusia telah tersalah sangka bahawa ketenangan atau kebahagiaan. Selalu orang mengaitkan ketenangan itu datangnya daripada faktor harta yang banyak dan faktor kekayaan. Harta mungkin merupakan salah satu faktor yang membawa manusia kepada kebahagiaan, tetapi bukanlah ia segala-galanya dalam hidup ini. Betapa ramai orang yang tinggal dalam rumah yang besar, tidur atas katil yang empuk, tetapi tidurnya mungkin tidak lenanya atau tidurnya mungkin tidak nyenyak. Bahkan mungkin ada mereka yang tinggal dipondok yang buruk miliki tidur yang lebih lena dan nyenyak daripada kita. Mungkin si kaya sedang memikirkan bagaimana hendak menjaga hartanya daripada dicuri atau dirompak, manakala si miskin tidak perlu untuk memikirkan perkara-perkara itu.

Kadang-kala, ada pula orang yang di hadapannya dihidangkan makanan yang mewah-mewah, lauk pauk yang hebat belaka, tetapi mungkin dilidahnya dia tidak dapat untuk menikmati keenakkan makanan tersebut. Mungkin lebih enak lagi di lidah orang yang hanya makan satu atau dua jenis lauk yang biasa-biasa sahaja. Kata HAMKA, “lihatlah bagaimana Allah telah membahagi-bahagikan rezeki-Nya dan nikmat-Nya kepada makhluk-makhluk”. Pastinya dalam keadaan yang sangat adil dan seimbang.

Ramai orang sangka jika mempunyai rumah yang besar, makan makanan yang sedap (mewah), pastinya orang itu orang yang memiliki kebahagiaan dan ketenangan. Belum tentu! Jika Allah hendak berikan kebahagiaan kepada seseorang, ianya pasti tidak boleh dihalang oleh apa-apa tangan sekalipun. Jika Allah menghalang kebahagiaan dan ketenangan daripada dimiliki oleh seseorang, dia pastinya tidak akan mendapat kebahagiaan itu daripada apa-apa tangan sekalipun.

Kalau kamu tidak menolongnya (Nabi Muhammad) maka sesungguhnya Allah telahpun menolongnya, iaitu ketika kaum kafir (di Makkah) mengeluarkannya (dari negerinya Makkah) sedang ia salah seorang dari dua (sahabat) semasa mereka berlindung di dalam gua, ketika ia berkata kepada sahabatnya: "Janganlah engkau berdukacita, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita". Maka Allah menurunkan semangat tenang tenteram (SAKINAH) kepada (Nabi Muhammad) dan menguatkannya dengan bantuan tentera (malaikat) yang kamu tidak melihatnya. Dan Allah menjadikan seruan (syirik) orang-orang kafir terkebawah (kalah dengan sehina-hinanya), dan Kalimah Allah (Islam) ialah yang tertinggi (selama-lamanya), kerana Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Hendaklah kita sentiasa bertawakal kepada Allah dan menyerahkan segala urusan kita diuruskan dan ditadbir oleh Allah. Semoga Allah tidak menyerahkan urusan diri kita kepada diri kita sendiri walaupun sekelip mata. Manusia, dunia ini boleh saja memperlaku apa saja kepada diri kita, namun tidak ada yang boleh mencabar kebesaran dan kekuasaan Allah. Jika Allah yang mengurus dan mengatur hidup kita, mungkin pada sangkaan orang kita akan tewas tetapi Allah-lah yang memenangkan dan kita akan lihat kemenangan di sisi Allah. Apa yang orang lain berasa rugi, Allah-lah yang memberi keuntungan kepada diri kita yang mana melalui jalan-jalan yang tidak pernah disangka oleh sesiapa pun. Allah boleh mendatangkan keajaipan dalam kehidupan ini.

Kadang kala dalam kehidupan ini, kita kehilangan sesuatu dan kita rasa bagaikan telah hilang segala-galanya. Apabila dilanda musibah dan kita pula merasakan inilah yang paling perit sekali pernah dilalui dalam hidup ini. Tetapi hari ini Allah telahpun mengeluarkan kita daripada segala keperitan dan kesempitan kepada hidup yang seperti sediakala ini. Masa ini masih lagi berjalan, usia kita terus meningkat dan kita masih lagi mampu menikmati kurniaan hidup ini, alhamdulillah. Janganlah sampai kita lupa, yang Allah telahpun banyak kali menyelemat dan mengeluarkan kita daripada kesusahan kehidupan ini dan bersyukurlah dengan nikmat itu.

Telah Nabi ceritakan dalam satu hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim. Allah bawakan seorang manusia yang paling derita hidupnya di dunia, lalu dicelup seketika ke dalam syurga. Kemudian Allah pun bertanya kepadanya, adakah engkau pernah merasai derita ketika masih hidup, lalu orang itu pun menjawab bahawasanya dia tidak pernah merasai derita. Begitu cepat dia lupakan deritanya di dunia. Kemudian Allah bawakan pula seorang manusia yang tidak pernah merasai derita ketika hidup di dunia, lalu dicelup seketika ke dalam neraka. Kemudian Allah pun bertanya kepadanya, adakah engkau pernah merasai segala nikmat ketika masih hidup, lalu orang itu pun menjawab dia tidak pernah merasai kebahagiaan. Semuanya hanya kerana satu celup sekelip mata yang mampu merubah segala-galanya.

Dan Ia telah memberi kepada kamu sebahagian dari tiap-tiap apa jua yang kamu hajati. Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah nescaya lemahlah kamu menentukan bilangannya. Sesungguhnya manusia (yang ingkar) sangat suka menempatkan sesuatu pada bukan tempatnya lagi sangat tidak menghargai nikmat Tuhannya.

Kita selalu sangka hendak bersyukur itu kalau kita dianugerahkan sesuatu kepada kita. Kita lupa bahawa hakikat yang kita sedang miliki ini merupakan satu nikmat yang besar. Sebagai contoh, seorang hamba yang patah tanganya, pastinya dia ketika sihat tidak pernah untuk mensyukuri nikmat itu. Namun apabila sudah berada dalam keadaan kurang upaya, maka pada ketika itu barulah dia sedar bahawa besarnya nikmat Allah itu kepada dirinya. Kata HAMKA, “yang ada ini sudah harapan kita”. Bukan satu kesalahan untuk kita mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru tetapi jangan dilupa benda yang sudah ada.

Para sarjana mengatakan bahawa darjat syukur itu lebih tinggi daripada darjat sabar. Ramai orang yang terpaksa bersabar, tetapi belum tentu orang yang mendapat nikmat itu mampu untuk bersyukur. Jika kita benar-benar perhatikan kehidupan kita ini, pasti kita akan sedar bahawa apa yang Allah berikan ini adalah sudah melebihi daripada apa yang kita harapkan dan daripada apa yang kita perlukan.

Orang yang tidak melalui pastinya dia tidak akan memahami maksudnya. Telah ramai orang yang hidup dahulu dan bertawakal kepada Allah, mereka telah merasai dan mengetahui akan keajaipan hidup bertawakal. Hasbunallahu wanikmal wakil (cukuplah Allah yang menolong kami dan terserah segala urusan kami kepada-Nya)

Mereka juga ialah yang diberitahu oleh orang-orang (pembawa berita) kepada mereka: "Bahawa kaum (kafir musyrik) telah mengumpulkan tentera untuk memerangi kamu, oleh itu hendaklah kamu gerun kepadanya". Maka berita itu makin menambahkan iman mereka lalu berkata: "Cukuplah untuk (menolong) kami, dan Ia sebaik-baik pengurus (yang terserah kepadaNya segala urusan kami)".


Sunday 5 April 2015

Islam Vs Terrorism

Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided.
[AN-NAHL Ch.16: V.125]

          In giving definition or meaning to something, we need to go back to its original source so that we can get the correct meaning or definition. It is the same goes to the religion, in this case is about Islam. in order to define Islam, we need to go to the source of this religion that is Quran and also Hadith that are authentic and sure from Prophet Muhammad pbuh. In this few months, many things happened and people try to relate it to Islam especially cases like killing other people, terrorism, bombing and many more. From that, they will say that Islam is the religion of terrorist.

          Because of this, I write this entry to clear the misunderstood about this religion. After a very long break, now Allah gives me a chance to do something that may give benefits to this religion. Although many other people had done the same thing, but I will do it with my own style and I also want to be included into the group of people that defend Islam.

          Islam is the religion of peace. The name itself already derived from the word that has meaning of peace. It is clear that, the name of the religion and the content of the religion cannot be contradicted. When the Prophet Muhammad came to the Medina, the first thing he did is that, he said to the people to give “salam”. It means that to pray for the peacefulness to other people. That is his slogan and he never ever told the people to kill other people that are not having the same religion with him. Although he has the power as he is the leader is the Medina, still he did not do any decision by his own and he never force other people to embrace Islam and also never threatened other people so that they need to embrace Islam.

So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].
[ALI IMRAN Ch.3: V.159]

          When people do not know about Islam, then they said that Islam is a religion of terrorism it is weird. How come you can say something on the thing that you did not know exactly? You are trying to say something that you did not even know about it. Maybe some people watching the news in the media, showing some cases that related to the Muslim people. But most of the time, media are trying to make an accusation on the thing that the Muslim never done. You need to be fair on judging this kind of issue. When a person did something bad, it is not the religion that guides him to do so, but it is because of him that did not know to differentiate which is right and wrong.

          Like I said in the earlier part of this entry, we need to go to the original source of this religion that is Quran and authentic Hadith. You can open up Quran and you can find 114 chapters in it. Every chapter starting with the verse of “In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful” except for the chapter ninth of at-Tawbah. However it is replaced in the other chapter, there is one verse that again repeating the verse that I quoted. This beautiful verse has the whole meaning inside it. How come a book that repeating this verse for 114 times can promotes violence? It is ridiculous.

          In the first verse that I quoted, it shows that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam teaches us to invite people to Allah and to this religion with wisdom and good instructions. The second verse said that an aggressive method is not encouraged. These two verses is good enough to show that in order to tell Islam to other people, Islam teaches us not to use method that make people feel uncomfortable with us. We need to say good words and do good things in order to make people fall in love with this religion.

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5: V.32]

          The above verse is telling the story about the Children of Israel that most people said that are Habil and also Qabil. You can check my entry before about the two people. At the end of this story, Allah said in the Quran that killing without reason is the greatest sins. Islam told us that if we kill a person, it is just like you are killing the whole nation. This is because you are making people afraid and feel unsafe. However, if you safe other people, actually you are like saving the whole nation. Because people will feel safe as there is presence of you among them.

          This is beautiful verse that can be proves that Islam never come to promote violence of terrorism. This is the best argument can be used to defend this religion. It is clear that Islam never support terrorism. Never mind who did the violence or terrorism, Islam never support them, although they are Muslim. This is because Islam never teaches us to do so. The wrong doing is still wrong without compromising with anyone or any group.

          Actually in one Hadith, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him already advice his companion not to hurt non-Muslims. If there is people who is hurting the non-Muslims, our Prophet will be the person that going to support the non-Muslims at the end of the day to claim the wrong doing. Islam is a very fair religion and is not racist or only for certain people or just supporting some people, but Islam is for all and the justice is for the person that are right not for a Muslim only.

          I have many more to say, but I think this entry already long enough. Maybe I will continue about this later when I am not busy with my works as a student. The below verse is like trailer for the next upcoming entry that going to continue this entry. Lastly, remember that to be fair in judging people and also religion. I believe that, there is no religion came to promote violence or terrorism. That for sure, Islam is not the religion of killing, violence or terrorist.

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2: V.256]


I have advertisement here. For those that open my entry and read until the end, thank you very much. If you have google account, please open the link below and like the video on youtube. This is the assignment from my subject in the program. The course work marks will be based on the number of like on the youtube video. Thank you.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Misquoting Muhammad

Innal hamdulillahi nahmaduhu wanasta'inuhu wanastaghfiruhu wana'uzubillahi min syururi anfusinaa wamin sayyiati a'maalinaa, mayahdillahu falaa mudhillalah, wamayyudhlil falaa haadiyalah.
Asyhadu allaa illaa ha illallah,
wa asyhadu anna muhammadan 'abduhu wa rosuuluh

(Praise be to Allah, we praise Him only, ask for help, and begged forgiveness.
We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and our bad deeds.
He whom Allah guides, none can misguide, and whoever is led astray by God, then nothing can be guided.
I testify that there is no Illah entitled in ibadahi except Allah alone, no partner to Him.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger)

          Alhamdulillah. It is good to be back writing here after a very long break. I am so sorry for that. This time I started my entry with Khutbatul Hajah. Our Prophet Muhammad saw always start his speech with that kind of beginning. This month (January) is already the 13th month that this blog already exist. Alhamdulillah. Although not so many entries and viewers, but it still gives something and I also earned something.

          Today’s topic is about “Misquoting Muhammad”. I had idea to write about this about listening to someone Friday’s Khutbah. It is also because of what had happen in Paris, France. There is newspaper’s company that had insulted our Prophet Muhammad through the cartoon that they draw. They said that they are free to do so in the name of freedom of speech. Because of that, there are people that killed the people in that company.

          We never know who did that. But of course, they said that Muslim people did that. It is only rumors. Maybe they already arranged the scene to accuse the Muslim. They (European) are totally unfair in this kind of case. They can say anything towards Islam, but they take action to those who say something bad to the Jews. They will take action to those who recall back about what had Hitler had done before. They will take action if people calling the Negro with that name and so on.

          However, we that admit we are Muslim; did we really describe our Prophet Muhammad in a correct way? Most of us only used his name to brand their business to make great sales. Most of us portray him as he likes to punish people. Most of us when talk about Islam; only Hudud comes out from their mouth. When the non-Muslim hear about Islam, the things that they think is cut hand, whipping, canning, kill and decapitate.

Dari Abdullah bin Salam r.a, dia berkata : ‘Pertama kali Rasulullah saw datang ke Madinah, orang ramai berkerumun kepadanya (dan) aku termasuk orang yang datang kepadanya manakala aku memperhatikan wajahnya dan menelitinya dengan seksama (beliau menilai wajah Rasulullah saw), aku mengetahui bahawa wajahnya bukanlah wajah seorang pendusta.’ Abdullah bin Salam r.a berkata lagi, ‘Ucapan pertama yang aku dengar dari beliau (Nabi SAW) adalah, “Wahai manusia, sebarkanlah salam, berikanlah makan , solatlah di waktu malam sementara orang-orang sedang tidur (dan) nescaya kalian masuk syurga dengan selamat’.

(From Abdullah bin Salam ra, he said: 'The first time the Prophet came to Madinah, the people flocked to him (and) I am among those who came to him while I watched his face and studied it carefully (may peace be upon him assess the face), I know that his face is not the face of a liar. 'Abdullah bin Salam ra said,' first words i heard from him (the Prophet) is, "O people, spread the greeting, give eat, pray at night while people are sleeping (and ) you would enter Paradise in peace.)

          Islam is not coming only to punish people. The laws exist but it is falling second (2nd). The more important things are the good moral character, taking care of the neighborhood, peace environment, good governance, justice and so on. Nowadays, we are only aiming to punish people without giving, showing and telling the good example and the good things about Islam. We are making people misunderstood about this religion with the misquoting about the religion.

And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.
And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small."
[AL-ISRA’ Ch.17:V.23-24]

          In the above verse, Allah teaches us the prayer (doa) to our parents. In that verse also Allah teaches the parents to be good parents. Only the parents that have mercy to their children, that really takes a good care of their children, giving the essential things to them; living, love, sympathy and others. Only these kinds of parents are included in that prayer. If they did not do the good things to their children, they will not include in that prayer.

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
[AN-NISA’ Ch.4:V.34]

          Few days ago, there are stories that the government wants to put a law that parents cannot cane their children until injured. Then people start to say out their views and thought, saying that in Islam we can cane or whipping. There are people saying that, because of their parents always cane them when they were small, now they become somebody in the society. They are giving thought to the non-Muslim that in Islam the way to teach their children must be caning or whipping.

          This is not true. There are people not being cane or whipping during the childhood age still become a good person. Islam did not teach the people to teach their children that way. But still Islam has the allocation to give the punishment after all the procedures have been done. For example, I come out with the verse above.

          Allah said that men (husband) need to take a good care to their wife/wives. He must show good example, giving love, giving place to stay, food to eat, cloths to wear, teaches about the religion, fair, protect from danger and many more. If the men only know to hit to beat to slap to kick their wife, he is not qualified to become a husband. If he only depends on his wife to support him while he is healthy to do work, he is not qualified to become a husband.

          After doing all the good things and gives the best to the wife, then the wife still did not want to listen, Allah gives the steps to follow. Not to beat or strike them directly. First, need to advise them. Always and everyday remind her about the order from Allah, His prophet and the religion. After many times giving advice and still not working, Allah ask us to separate the bed. After long time, still not working, then we can strike or beat.

          However, the “strike” does not mean we can hit them until they hurt and injured. Imam Syafie said only use the tooth brush (kayu sugi) or pen. It is not to hurt them, but it is like symbol that we are serious about that. It is the same goes to the teaching the children.

“Suruhlah anak-anak kamu bersolat ketika mereka berusia tujuh tahun, dan pukul kerana meninggalkan solat ketika berusia sepuluh tahun”

("Send your children to pray when they are seven years old, and strike if leaving prayers at the age of ten years"
[Riwayat Abu Daud]

          It is not easy to just hit your children if they did not perform prayers. At 7 years old until 10 years old, with 5 times prayers daily, it is going to be more than thousands of times to practice and to train them. We ourselves as parents need to show that we also perform prayers not only at home but at mosque. We need to be the best example to them so that they will follow us.

          We as Muslim need to show to the people that Islam came to give mercy, to give peace, to give love to the people. We need to show the kindness in Islam not the aggressiveness. This religion is to guide people to Allah and to the heaven and not to punish all the time. We need to change people mind set and the misunderstood about this religion with the right “quoting of Muhammad”. We need to really understand the verse below and hold it firmly. Hope that we all can make the world know Islam in a better way and in good manner.

And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.
[AL-ANBIYA’ Ch.21:V.107]


Monday 3 November 2014

Islam Oppress Women?

And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing.
[AN-NISA’ Ch.4: V.32]

          Alhamdulillah it is great to be back in here to write another entry. It looks like I only wrote one entry per month now. So, I am sorry for this and I always try my best to write an entry so that people can read and learn new things. Few weeks back, I bought one book with title of “Travelog Minda Tajdid”, written by Dr MAZA. If you are following my blog from the beginning, maybe you know that I am fans of Dr MAZA.

          Something from this book that I want to share with you all, it is about the position of women in Islam. I look to my blog statistic; it looks like there are some people viewing from other than Malaysia. So I think this issue is a big issue in the European country and the thought now coming to Asia recently. People nowadays easy misunderstood about Islam and also misinterpreting Islam. Most non-Muslims only know about Islam by looking at the Muslims’ practice. They are not understands it with the actual meaning. Therefore, when the Muslim did something wrong, the non-Muslims think that is Islam.

          In this entry I am going to renew the thinking about hijab, that most people think that the hijab is oppressing the Muslim women. It is not a shocking things when the Muslim women, themselves are trying to “fight” for their right to not wearing hijab. They give Europe as an example, country nowadays that is not oppressing women. Actually, only they think western women are not oppress by the laws or the cultures there. There are stories or true stories that they (people that against hijab and proud with western women) did not see and take into consideration.

          During the middle age, the culture of people when they are going for a war, they will bring their wives. Most civilization did the same thing. They bring along their wives so that they have greater spirit to fight with the enemies and they will realize that they have a very big burden on their shoulder. If they are not success in the war, they are going to lose everything, including their wives, wealth and their country. In Europe, what they did to their wives to make their wives loyal to them is that they make their wives to wear iron jockstrap.

          It is something that very extreme. It is unimagined, it must be very painful. This is going to make the women hard to move, hard to void and many more. If the environment is very cold, it is going to make the women more suffer. Maybe you say that their women already free from that thing. Maybe you can say they already come out from the darkness ever. But actually their women coming out from that darkness and now entering into the next darkness.
          I mean that, until now their women are not free from any kind of torture. In the middle age with the iron jockstrap and now in the modern days with the pornography. You can see that they are exploiting their women in every kind of business including magazines, films, dramas, music and many other things. They are showing the women beautiful bodies, for people to see and even to touch. They are doing such that the women pride is very cheap and very low. They are like insulting their own women.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.
[AL-HUJURAT Ch.49: V.13]

          It is very different in Islam, very much different. In the above verse, Allah says that the most noble among the human is the one that the most righteous. If woman more righteous than a man, she deserve it. Hijab is not the torture tool; it is for the good of the women. Hijab covering the women bodies from being seen by non-right person. It is to avoid negative feeling (lust) towards women.

          Hijab is not phycology torture method to the women. If they know the purpose of wearing it, they will wear it willingly. Hijab is not the obstacle that stops the women from become successful women in their fields of jobs and their lives. There are many women that wearing hijab, but they can success in their lives. Hijab has its own values; courtesy, morality and also beauty.

          There is country that claiming that they are ruling the country with Islamic laws and they are practicing Islam fully. However they are only practicing the Islam with the way that they understand that. They are not showing to the world the beauty of Islam and the actual practice of Islam. They only making the world confused about Islam, misunderstand about Islam and also misinterpreting Islam.

          The conclusion is that, to know about the others religion is not by looking at their practice. But in order to know their religion, we need to study their scriptures. This is not only for Islam, but it is also for other religions. With this kind of practice, we can avoid misunderstanding about the religion and the most important thing is that we are not giving bad description about them.

Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.

[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5: V.8]


Saturday 11 October 2014

Habil & Qabil

And recite to them the story of Adam's two sons, in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice [to Allah ], and it was accepted from one of them but was not accepted from the other. Said [the latter], "I will surely kill you." Said [the former], "Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous [who fear Him].
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5:V.27]

          Peace be upon to all the readers in this blog. It is getting harder when the age of this blog is getting older. I mean that, it is getting difficult for me to maintain writing in this blog. This is because I am a bit busy with my studies here, a lot of reports to do, assignments and other exercises. That is why there is only a few entries in a month. Therefore, I am trying my best to always update my blog with new entry and with fresh ideas.

          For Muslims, our Eid Adha just passed a few days ago. We are celebrating this eid because of famous story about our Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ismail. But I do not want to touch about their story, because most people that telling this story, they will tell with correct way. There is another story that I want to “brainwash” the readers here. It is about two sons of Adam, that people always gave name to them, Habil and also Qabil.

          People always take the story of Habil and Qabil from Israilliyyat stories. Even in the Quran did not mention the name of two sons of Adam. So come where their names? So in this entry, I want to wash the bad things about them and give to you all the correct ideas about their stories.

If you should raise your hand against me to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds.
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5:V.28]

          The most popular story about them is that each of them had their own twin pair. When it comes to give married to them, they need to marry in cross style. Qabil needs to marry Habil’s twin and Habil needs to marry Qabil’s twin. However, Qabil did not agree with his father, Prophet Adam because Qabil is a handsome person and his twin also beautiful. It is opposite with Habil that is not too handsome and his twin not as beautiful as Qabil’s twin. Then they need to perform a sacrifice.

          Allah already mention to our Prophet Muhammad as shown in the first verse I put. Allah tells Prophet Muhammad to say the truth about the story of two sons of Adam. But when it comes to us, we took the story from the Jews (in their scripture). So I want us to come back and take the story from the most authentic resource that is Quran. Let us look about their story as mentioned in the Quran.

          Obviously, in Quran did not say that they want to marry or what, Quran only say that they do a sacrifice. One of them is accepted the sacrifice and the other one are not accepted. So it makes the one not accepted the sacrifice feels not satisfied. Therefore, he wanted to kill the other one. In the Quran also did not mention their names. So let us give simple cop to them. Let say A is the one that his sacrifice is accepted and B is the one that his sacrifice is not accepted.

Indeed I want you to obtain [thereby] my sin and your sin so you will be among the companions of the Fire. And that is the recompense of wrongdoers."
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5:V.29]

And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers.
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5:V.30]

The story is more on the sacrifice and as mentioned in the verse, Allah only accepted the sacrifice from those who are righteous and fear of Him. The other part of the story is about killing person. The verses after that are all about B wanted to kill A. All the verses actually teach us how to react and how to response when there is people want to kill us.

          In the verse 29, it stated that if we kill someone, we will need to bear our own sin and the person’s sin. And of course we will belong to a group of losers. To make B regret about killing his brother, Allah sent a crow to teach him to hide his brother’s body. Of course we will feel shame as human need to learn from a crow. With a brain that can think and differentiate bad and good, still need to learn from a crow that has much little brain than human being.

Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became of the regretful.
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5:V.31]

          A few months ago, my friends and I did a presentation about Islam and terrorism. We did touch about this story and with important evidence from Quran that is the verse below. It is clear stated in Quran that prohibit human to kill each other. When we kill one person, it is such as killing the whole nation. It means that we are creating a situation that not peace. People will feel afraid to come out from their houses and also afraid to have social lives.

There is a research saying that, the first time the person want to kill, he/she needs to fight with his/her own self. Only the first time is difficult to do it. After he/she have done it, the second time to kill other person is become easier as he/she already across the “trash holes”.

It is opposite if we save person lives. It such as us already saved the whole nation and creating a peace environment. People will feel comfortable and safe. This is the phycology teach from Quran and also an evidence to prove to the people that saying Islam is promoting violence and terrorism.

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.
[AL-MAIDAH Ch.5:V32]


Wednesday 24 September 2014


So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place.
[MUHAMMAD Ch.47:V.19]

          Alhamdulillah, it is good to be back in here to write another entry. It looks like lesser entry per month. I am so sorry about this. I already back in university to continue for a few more years here. It is a little bit busy here when the classes already start; there are a few “homework”, assignments and so on. Today’s topic I took from my note in Facebook translated into English. It is about the knowledge we have going to strengthen our faith and believe in Allah.

          Actually knowledge is very important in everything that we want to do. It helps us to make the work easier or helps us understand the work or it can be many other ways. For me, knowledge is something that is new to us, something that fills in our brain or mind. But others may give different definition on knowledge, and it is up to you. The definition is something that is subjective.

          I like the verse above, I like it very much. There is one person that taught me on that verse. He said that, Allah says the verse to show to us that knowledge is very important and also very powerful thing. To know that Allah is only one, we need to have knowledge. This verse shows that in Islamic faith to believe Allah is one is not only to follow the others but to know by having knowledge. Without knowledge, yes you can still believe Allah is only one, but you cannot prove and explain to other person. Without knowledge you cannot make the non-Muslims to become a Muslim. I am very anti with person that always say; “we just have to follow”.

He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good. And none will remember except those of understanding.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.269]

          I prefer to follow this path, where the knowledge is the backbone of many things or more accurate is for everything. Because of my style like this, so I love to watch videos of Dr Zakir Naik. I think that in my blog, many entries I always mention his name and also the great teacher of him, Syeikh Ahmad Deedat. When I watched his videos debating with the non-Muslims; atheists, Christians and others, his argument, his stands can make us clear about this religion, Islam. When he gave examples, the examples suit to current modern age and the analogies can make us very understand on his speech.

          So Dr Zakir Naik maybe the best model for the da’ie to follow for the time being. His critical thinking, his knowledge about science, his knowledge about the other religion helps him a lot in his speech and in his work to revert the non-Muslims. If in Malaysia, I prefer Dr MAZA and also Dr Danial as the scholars that critical in giving their opinions and they also have minds that thinking further than the others. Therefore, their speech is very good and the knowledge they gave can make our mind think wider and also make us become critical thinking like them.

          In the Quran, Allah have repeated the word ‘ulul al-bab’ which means the person that us their brain to think. Allah praise people like this and Allah also said that people with knowledge is better and is more love by Allah than the people that did not think and also do not have knowledge. People that do research on Quran are better than those who are only reading the Quran but they did not understand it. There are many people who have embrace Islam after doing some research on Quran. Only a little part of the Quran can change their lives because of the knowledge they have.

So the magicians fell down in prostration. They said, "We have believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses."
[TAHA Ch.20:V.70]

          There a few examples in the Quran that shows the important of having knowledge. The Quran records there are people who embrace the true religion that is submitted themselves to Allah after Allah shows to them the true power and with their knowledge in their specific field. For the first example is the story of the witches in the age of pharaohs and Prophet Moses with his cousin, Prophet Aaron. The story is recorded in the chapter named Taha, chapter number 20. If you are good enough maybe you can read from the start of the verse. However, the part that I want to highlight in this entry is just around verses 60-80.

          When Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron came to see Pharaoh, to teach him the true religion and also to tell him not to do tyranny in his country, the Pharaoh did not want to listen to them. In addition, he challenged Prophet Moses to show his ability to fight with his witches. Pharaoh gathered all the people in his country to witness the competition between Prophet Moses and his witches. The witches start first by throwing their ropes and the ropes turn to look like snakes. The snakes are just the illusion that cheats the eyes of everyone that see that. When time comes for Prophet Moses turn, Allah asks him to throw his stick.

          With the power and with Allah permission, the stick turns into a snake. However, this time the stick really changes into a snake, a very big snake that ate all the ropes (snakes) of the witches. It is true snake and not an illusion. With the knowledge that the witches have, they know that the snake from the stick of Prophet Moses is really the power of Allah and not from the devils. Then they turn to be with Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron as in the verse above tells us.

          Although Pharaoh wanted to kill them all for the punishment to loss and also not to obey him by saying he is the god, all the witches remain with their faith in the teaching of Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron. Their faith stand firm and nothing can make them repels or rebels against Allah. This story shows the important in having knowledge. Because of their mastering in some sort of fields make them to believe in Allah and His promises.

And [subsequently] the king said, "Indeed, I have seen [in a dream] seven fat cows being eaten by seven [that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry. O eminent ones, explain to me my vision, if you should interpret visions."
[YUSUF Ch.12:V.43]

          It is also the same happen to Prophet Joseph. When the king in his country dreamed about the cows such as in the verse above, there is nobody can explain and can predict the future from his dream. At that time, the king has a few people that very well in predicting the future, astrologers. When comes to this dream, there is no one can tell the story behind the dream.

          When Prophet Joseph in the prison, he predicts the food that the guard will give to him and his partner in the jail. His prediction is very accurate. He also explain other prisoners dream for a few times. When his friend (the person in the prison) get out from the prison and heard the news about the king’s dream, he try to meet the king and trying to recommend Prophet Joseph to explain the dream. In the Quran, the story is in chronology. You can check it in the chapter of Joseph or Yusuf, chapter number 12.

          At last, the king called Prophet Joseph to explain about his dream. Because the king believes Prophet Joseph’s prediction on his country’s future, he took Prophet Joseph as a ministry in his country. It goes the same for other Prophets such as Prophet Solomon, Prophet Jesus and the others. The signs (mukjizat) that Allah gave to them (His messengers) is compatible and suitable for that time. It goes the same with Prophet Muhammad.

          His case special that the other prophets because Allah left behind the signs in the form of scripture, that is Quran. Quran is compatible to all ages until the end of the day. It can be proven through the language, through the histories in it, through the scientific facts in it and many others. Only those who do research and understand Quran can feel it is signs from Allah.

Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
[ALI IMRAN Ch.3:V.190]

~Quran is not book of science but it is book of signs~


Friday 29 August 2014

Heaven For Non-Muslims

Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.62]

          Assalamualaikum, may Allah bless all the readers. Month of august is a very challenging month for me. This is because my laptop had few problems that delay my job (write an entry in this blog) and also made my life a bit difficult. We are relying much on the technologies and this is not good as if it is not in good condition, we feel like “no life”. Today’s entry I translate from my note in Facebook. When I wrote the note, I just think that it is important for the Malays. After that I think it can be useful for the others that cannot read Malay.

          Maybe some people will think this entry is very controversial entry, maybe some people will think this is just to attract the non-Muslim people towards Islam and maybe there are people that are not agree with me. You are allowed to agree and also to disagree, that is your choice. This entry is just want to explain the truth and to eliminate the thought that say people that not Muslim will go to hell. I want to renew our knowledge and also our thinking style, at the same time doing dakwah to attract the non-Muslim towards Islam.

          I read a post in one page in Facebook saying that, “if people that kafir, no matter how good they are, they will enter hell.” I disagree with this statement and that lead me to write note and also this entry. People are using word “kafir” as they like or wish to. They are using the word without knowing the actual meaning. The word “kafir” actually is not refers to non-Muslim, I will explain the definition later. They are few people (figures or scholars) that are holding the same thought that I am going to tell today.

          Dr Tareq Suwaidan has explained about this, a few months ago in one talk. He is the first person (that I know) that explained about this. At that time, I was amazed by his explanations, very good and excellent. Dr MAZA also always talks about this in his talks. People in Malaysia confirm knows him. You can check in YouTube for his videos. In his book, “Aku Ingin Kembara Lagi” also has one chapter talk about this topic. Therefore, I have a few references to strengthen my argument.

Now, let’s look on a few definitions:

1.     Munafik
The person is called “munafik” because he/she said they already have the faith on Allah, but in their hearts, they did not want to obey Allah. In Quran chapter (al-Baqarah), verse 8 until 20 tell the characteristics of these people (munafik).

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.

2.    Musyrik
The person that believed in Allah, but he/she make two of Him. Make two of Him meaning that shirk. For example, the people that worshiped idols, asking help (prayer) from other people but not Allah, believed in superstitious things and others.

3.    Kafir
The meaning through language is that the action to cover up something or action to close something. The person can only be called “kafir” if they refused to accept the truth and also rejecting the truth. The person become a “kafir” if the argument is stated very clear until there is no more doubt about it, and at last the person did not want to accept it.

4.    People of Scripture
This category refers to the people that received scripture from certain prophets. In Quran, the people of scripture is refers to the Jews and also Christians. They are the follower of Prophet Moses (Jews) and (Christians) the follower of Prophet Jesus. However, in Quran tells us that only in the beginning they follow the teachings of these prophets. After the prophet left or die, they started to adjust the religion and made their own religion. Not only that, they also change their scriptures.

So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.79]

5.    Non-Muslim
This category is about outside the other categories. The people of scripture also can be included in this category, I will explain it later. The people that have no religion can include in this category and people that have other religion such as Buddha, Hindu and others also the same.

          When we know the differences of these categories, we can understand who are going to survive from entering hell. From the Quran, there are clear evidences that say the “musyrik” will enter the hell. Based on Quran, we know that the “munafik” will be punished because of their behavior and “kafir” is clear that they will enter hell. For the people of scripture, maybe they are safe or they can also be punished after this life. For the non-Muslims, as long as they did not receive clear facts, strong evidences, strong argument, dakwah does not get to them, they have the opportunity to enter heaven.

          For the people of scripture, they have special case. They can either be saved or cannot be saved. For those that really do research on their own scriptures and then they found that their scriptures are not right. They realized that their religion is not the true one, and they try to find the correct religion. These kinds of people have the chance to survive or to make it safe from hell. However, if they do the research and found the truth about their religion (that is not true), but they do not want to accept the truth. They also cover up the truth from being known by their people, they will enter hell. They are classes into “kafir”.

          But, the people of scripture (the earlier generation) that did the change on their scriptures and also change their religions, of course they will enter hell for their punishment. We cannot deny that there are people (Jews and Christians) that embrace the religion because of their parents from that religion. These people sometime they do not really know or understand about their religion. They just follow what had been told to them. These kinds of people, only Allah knows the best for them.

And among them are unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture except in wishful thinking, but they are only assuming.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.78]

          For the non-Muslims, if there are no people come to them to spread the news, to tell the truth, to tell about the true religion, to give evidences, to explain the facts, how can they are going to know that they are not correct. Of course they cannot know if there are no one tells them. It easy for us to say they can use their brain to think which one is true and which one is not. It easy for us to say they can think by their own or do analysis about their own religion. Let us think together, how many of us today embrace Islam because they really understand about Islam? I think many of us just became Muslim because of their parents. Maybe at certain age like me, then I try to find the truth, try to have strong argument about my religion.

          It is true that Allah created this universe that have tress, animals, water, sky, earth, mountains and others so that human can relate back to Him. From His creation human can know Him. In Quran, many time Allah asked us to use our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our hearts to understand the signs of His power. However, human need guidance to guide them in understands something.

          Maybe we can say to the non-Muslims to look in the internet to search about the religion and to do research by using the modern technologies. It is easier to say than to do. There is much information in the internet. Some people do not have internet, then how they want to find the truth? In the internet there are many kinds of information. Most of the time people said that Islam is the religion of terrorist. Sometimes, they showed that Islam has many sects. That made them difficult to understand which one is the true one.

[We sent] messengers as bringers of good tidings and warners so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the messengers. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.
[AN-NISA’ Ch.4:V.165]

          Mankind need prophet and messenger of God to guide them in understand about God, about the religion. Prophet and messenger of God is also human being, but they are the special one or the chosen one. The difference between them and us, they received revelation from God. They use the revelation to guide us and to make the evidences or facts very clear and until there is no more questions and doubt about the religion they brought.

Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.
[AL-ISRA’ Ch.17:V.15]

          In Dr MAZA’s book, he said that the non-Muslims can be saved from entering hell. He used the above verse as proves to support his views. He said that many scholars before, also have the same view. They also prove and rely on the above verse to support their answers.

          I hope that you can earn something from my entry today. This is very long entry and I hope that you are not bored with my writing. Islam is not the religion to punish other people, but Islam teaches us to tell the truth, to spread the truth, to spread the love. Only Allah has the rights to punish people, not us, not other human being. I hope that from this entry, we can do our job better, harder (dakwah) so that the news is reached to the other people.

          Them (non-Muslims), already saved from hell. How about us? It is now for us to think about ourselves and also improve our worship. We do not want to be a selfish person, only survive alone and let the others been punished.

And we are not responsible except for clear notification."
[YASIN Ch.36:V.17]
