Monday 14 April 2014

Moses, Jesus & Muhammad - Muslims

 Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.
[ALI IMRAN Ch.3:V.19]

          I start this entry with word of honour, by the name of Allah. I always start my entries by praising Allah again and again. This is because Allah tells us to be grateful to Him for everything He gives to us. I also hope that people that read all those entries will spend some time to praise to Allah. Every one of us here has a busy day every day and by reading my blog, we will spend a few second to remember Allah and praise Him. I also hope that I can be consistent in writing entries in my blog; one entry per week, that is my target.

          This week, we are going to go far away from the topics before that are about Allah. This time, I am going to write about the similarities in the teaching of Prophet Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Maybe there are going to have the similarities between Judaism, Christianity and also Islam. Today’s topic will bring some new challenges to me and also to the readers. This is because the entry is about comparison. First of all before I enter into the topic, the ideas come from a person that I really respect and love, Syeikh Ahmad Deedat.

          Syeikh Ahmad Deedat talked about Judaism, Christianity and Islam almost 30 years ago. I am not going to talk about that yet. We are going slowly and step by step. I just want to talk just a bit from his ideas and want to tell to the whole world the truth about Prophet Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. All these three prophets come and bring the same fundamental. Carefully read. The prophets came with the same fundamental teaching, not the Judaism and Christianity. This is because Prophet Moses and Jesus came not to bring the religion named Judaism or Christianity.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
[Deuteronomy 6:4]

          Let us take a look on the first commandment that was given to the holy Prophet Moses. The verse is the above. This is what I mean before. That is about God @ Allah. The fundamental of the religion is about aqidah @ faith regarding Allah. Not only Prophet Moses (pbuh) said that, Prophet Jesus also said the same thing. The below verse is the story to the Prophet Jesus’ (pbuh) answer.

And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him. Which is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him. The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord.
[St Mark Ch.12:V.28-29]

          Prophet Jesus repeated the same answer that was given by Prophet Moses words by words. He did not change any single words in the sentence. This shows that Prophet Jesus also brought the same fundamental about the religion as Prophet Moses. Both of them gave the answer saying that the Lord our God is one Lord. But now, the Christians are not relying or holding to the same what was taught to them. How can two different person live at a very different era can give the same answer? Prophet Moses lives more 1300 years before Prophet Jesus. The only answer is that, both of them got the answer from the same source. That is from Allah.

Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent."
[AL-IKHLAS Ch.112:V.1-4]

          600 years after Prophet Jesus, there is a person named Muhammad bin Abdullah, he had a discussion with Christian people from Najran in his mosque. They sat there about 3 days. They slept, eat and had discussion in the mosque of Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also gave them the same answer about Allah as Prophet Moses and Jesus. The answer was given by Allah to him as revelation as mentioned above. Three of them now gave the answer that Allah is only one not two not three or not more than that.

          If you have chance to meet any of them (Moses or Jesus), ask them what religion that you brings? I am very sure that Prophet Moses will not give the answer Judaism and Prophet Jesus will not give the answer Christianity. This is because both of them never heard the terms (Judaism and Christianity). The answer that will come out from their mouth is that, they are bringing the religion that submitting his will to Allah. The religion in sentence is, submitting his will to Allah. But in one word, the sentence means Muslim.

          Muslim is the person who submits his will to Allah. Muslim comes from the word Islam. Islam is the religion, Muslim is the name for person that embracing Islam. Not only Prophet Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are Muslims, but all prophet came before is also a Muslim. They all brought the same fundamental of the teaching; that is Allah is only one. They all brought the same religion that is Islam and they are the person who submitting themselves wills to Allah. From Prophet Adam until the last messenger Prophet Muhammad, their religion is Islam.

Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path." But when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from them, he said, "Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah?" The disciples said," We are supporters for Allah. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].
[ALI IMRAN Ch.3:V.51-52]

Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah]. And he was not of the polytheists.
[ALI IMRAN Ch.3:V.67]

          Jews, Christians and also Muslims believe that we come from the same father; that is Prophet Adam (pbuh). We also believe that Prophet Abraham is the father of all prophets. This is because he has two sons; Ismail and Isaac. The sons of Ismail are the Arabian and the sons of Isaac produced the race we called them Bani Israel. Prophet Abraham came before Moses. That means Abraham came before the people has taurah (Old Testament). So you cannot say he is Jews or Christians. Allah answers our question in the above verse. He says that Abraham is the person who submitting to Allah. Abraham is a Muslim.

          In the beginning, there is no Judaism and no Christianity. We all from the same fundamental taught that is Allah is one and only. We are creating our own religion and give the name by ourselves. InsyaAllah in the next entry I will explain the origin of Judaism and Christianity. Hope all of you understand the messages that I am trying to deliver in this entry. See you next time, insyaAllah.

Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."
[ALI IMRAN Ch.3:V.64]
