Friday 29 August 2014

Heaven For Non-Muslims

Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.62]

          Assalamualaikum, may Allah bless all the readers. Month of august is a very challenging month for me. This is because my laptop had few problems that delay my job (write an entry in this blog) and also made my life a bit difficult. We are relying much on the technologies and this is not good as if it is not in good condition, we feel like “no life”. Today’s entry I translate from my note in Facebook. When I wrote the note, I just think that it is important for the Malays. After that I think it can be useful for the others that cannot read Malay.

          Maybe some people will think this entry is very controversial entry, maybe some people will think this is just to attract the non-Muslim people towards Islam and maybe there are people that are not agree with me. You are allowed to agree and also to disagree, that is your choice. This entry is just want to explain the truth and to eliminate the thought that say people that not Muslim will go to hell. I want to renew our knowledge and also our thinking style, at the same time doing dakwah to attract the non-Muslim towards Islam.

          I read a post in one page in Facebook saying that, “if people that kafir, no matter how good they are, they will enter hell.” I disagree with this statement and that lead me to write note and also this entry. People are using word “kafir” as they like or wish to. They are using the word without knowing the actual meaning. The word “kafir” actually is not refers to non-Muslim, I will explain the definition later. They are few people (figures or scholars) that are holding the same thought that I am going to tell today.

          Dr Tareq Suwaidan has explained about this, a few months ago in one talk. He is the first person (that I know) that explained about this. At that time, I was amazed by his explanations, very good and excellent. Dr MAZA also always talks about this in his talks. People in Malaysia confirm knows him. You can check in YouTube for his videos. In his book, “Aku Ingin Kembara Lagi” also has one chapter talk about this topic. Therefore, I have a few references to strengthen my argument.

Now, let’s look on a few definitions:

1.     Munafik
The person is called “munafik” because he/she said they already have the faith on Allah, but in their hearts, they did not want to obey Allah. In Quran chapter (al-Baqarah), verse 8 until 20 tell the characteristics of these people (munafik).

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.

2.    Musyrik
The person that believed in Allah, but he/she make two of Him. Make two of Him meaning that shirk. For example, the people that worshiped idols, asking help (prayer) from other people but not Allah, believed in superstitious things and others.

3.    Kafir
The meaning through language is that the action to cover up something or action to close something. The person can only be called “kafir” if they refused to accept the truth and also rejecting the truth. The person become a “kafir” if the argument is stated very clear until there is no more doubt about it, and at last the person did not want to accept it.

4.    People of Scripture
This category refers to the people that received scripture from certain prophets. In Quran, the people of scripture is refers to the Jews and also Christians. They are the follower of Prophet Moses (Jews) and (Christians) the follower of Prophet Jesus. However, in Quran tells us that only in the beginning they follow the teachings of these prophets. After the prophet left or die, they started to adjust the religion and made their own religion. Not only that, they also change their scriptures.

So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.79]

5.    Non-Muslim
This category is about outside the other categories. The people of scripture also can be included in this category, I will explain it later. The people that have no religion can include in this category and people that have other religion such as Buddha, Hindu and others also the same.

          When we know the differences of these categories, we can understand who are going to survive from entering hell. From the Quran, there are clear evidences that say the “musyrik” will enter the hell. Based on Quran, we know that the “munafik” will be punished because of their behavior and “kafir” is clear that they will enter hell. For the people of scripture, maybe they are safe or they can also be punished after this life. For the non-Muslims, as long as they did not receive clear facts, strong evidences, strong argument, dakwah does not get to them, they have the opportunity to enter heaven.

          For the people of scripture, they have special case. They can either be saved or cannot be saved. For those that really do research on their own scriptures and then they found that their scriptures are not right. They realized that their religion is not the true one, and they try to find the correct religion. These kinds of people have the chance to survive or to make it safe from hell. However, if they do the research and found the truth about their religion (that is not true), but they do not want to accept the truth. They also cover up the truth from being known by their people, they will enter hell. They are classes into “kafir”.

          But, the people of scripture (the earlier generation) that did the change on their scriptures and also change their religions, of course they will enter hell for their punishment. We cannot deny that there are people (Jews and Christians) that embrace the religion because of their parents from that religion. These people sometime they do not really know or understand about their religion. They just follow what had been told to them. These kinds of people, only Allah knows the best for them.

And among them are unlettered ones who do not know the Scripture except in wishful thinking, but they are only assuming.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.78]

          For the non-Muslims, if there are no people come to them to spread the news, to tell the truth, to tell about the true religion, to give evidences, to explain the facts, how can they are going to know that they are not correct. Of course they cannot know if there are no one tells them. It easy for us to say they can use their brain to think which one is true and which one is not. It easy for us to say they can think by their own or do analysis about their own religion. Let us think together, how many of us today embrace Islam because they really understand about Islam? I think many of us just became Muslim because of their parents. Maybe at certain age like me, then I try to find the truth, try to have strong argument about my religion.

          It is true that Allah created this universe that have tress, animals, water, sky, earth, mountains and others so that human can relate back to Him. From His creation human can know Him. In Quran, many time Allah asked us to use our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our hearts to understand the signs of His power. However, human need guidance to guide them in understands something.

          Maybe we can say to the non-Muslims to look in the internet to search about the religion and to do research by using the modern technologies. It is easier to say than to do. There is much information in the internet. Some people do not have internet, then how they want to find the truth? In the internet there are many kinds of information. Most of the time people said that Islam is the religion of terrorist. Sometimes, they showed that Islam has many sects. That made them difficult to understand which one is the true one.

[We sent] messengers as bringers of good tidings and warners so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the messengers. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.
[AN-NISA’ Ch.4:V.165]

          Mankind need prophet and messenger of God to guide them in understand about God, about the religion. Prophet and messenger of God is also human being, but they are the special one or the chosen one. The difference between them and us, they received revelation from God. They use the revelation to guide us and to make the evidences or facts very clear and until there is no more questions and doubt about the religion they brought.

Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.
[AL-ISRA’ Ch.17:V.15]

          In Dr MAZA’s book, he said that the non-Muslims can be saved from entering hell. He used the above verse as proves to support his views. He said that many scholars before, also have the same view. They also prove and rely on the above verse to support their answers.

          I hope that you can earn something from my entry today. This is very long entry and I hope that you are not bored with my writing. Islam is not the religion to punish other people, but Islam teaches us to tell the truth, to spread the truth, to spread the love. Only Allah has the rights to punish people, not us, not other human being. I hope that from this entry, we can do our job better, harder (dakwah) so that the news is reached to the other people.

          Them (non-Muslims), already saved from hell. How about us? It is now for us to think about ourselves and also improve our worship. We do not want to be a selfish person, only survive alone and let the others been punished.

And we are not responsible except for clear notification."
[YASIN Ch.36:V.17]


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