Monday 17 February 2014

Why "We"?

Indeed, We have warned you of a near punishment on the Day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth and the disbeliever will say, "Oh, I wish that I were dust!"
[AN-NABA’ Ch.78:V.40]

          Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah as He gives me another chance to write an entry. Before I opened my own blog, my brother in law gave me an opportunity to write in his blog. The quotation that he uses in his blog is “write not because of name”. And I used that quotation to produce an entry. It is one of the entries that I wrote in his blog and I hope that I always write not because of name.

          Tonight I read something that important to me and I hope that thing also important to all of you. One of my friend post in facebook, write anything whether an entry or novel or post not because for people to know you. But it is for people to know Allah. Masya-Allah, it is very great advice and I hope from my previous entries people starting to know Allah better than before. Insya-Allah tonight I will cover on something that very important.

We have created them and strengthened their forms, and when We will, We can change their likenesses with [complete] alteration.
[AL-INSAN Ch.76:V.28]

          People that against Islam, always trying to find mistakes in the Quran. One of them is the contradiction that occurs in the Quran. For them (people against Islam) it is contradiction, but people who learned it knows better. The contradiction that I mentioned above is Allah using the word “We” but in other place Allah uses “I”. When we say “we”, it means many or a group of. But Islam teaches us that we have only one God that is Allah. Then why He uses “We”?

          This “contradiction” is love by the Christians as they can use it to prove the concept of trinity. I used inverted comma because it seems to be contradiction but actually it is not. The Christians believe in the trinity and they say Allah uses “We” in Quran to represent Himself, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. If they really know their scripture, they will not even call themselves “Christians”. To answer this question, we cannot use English as sometimes English does not the same as Arabic.

          Arabic language is very special because it has name for singular, dual and also plural. Plural in Arabic has two meanings that are representing numbers or showing the greatness. Therefore, the word “We” used in the Quran is to show the greatness of Allah. Not to show the numbers or showing that there are many Gods. The word “We” also we can say to show grandeur (kehebatan) and greatness (kebesaran).

          Besides that, Allah uses the word “We” because it represents His entire kingdom. His kingdom includes rows of angels and also the universe. The universe consists of stars, moons, earth and others. All these mention above is the creation that will never disobey Him. We, human beings, animals, plants, demons and the other creature on the earth are also in His kingdom.

          For this case, it is the same with the king on earth. I think all kings that had ruled on this earth using the word “we” to represent his kingdom. He seldom use “I” in his speaks. This is because sometimes to make a decision for his country he has to ask for his ministers opinions. If the king gives an instruction without saying “we”, it means that only he that want to make that things happen. And it also means that he put his ministers aside. Therefore, when Allah uses the word “We” for people that familiar with the royal family they will find it normal. Only people like us that feel weird and think negatively about the word “We”.

And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.34]

Allah uses “We” because He feels proud to Himself and only He deserves to feel proud. He feels proud to His own power and greatness. He feels proud to His kingdom that so big. But, we as human cannot act and feel like that because we are nothing if Allah does not help us. We only His creation and we are too much feeble. Allah can take our lives whenever He want and easily can bring us back to life.

And We have certainly revealed to you verses [which are] clear proofs, and no one would deny them except the defiantly disobedient.
[AL-BAQARAH Ch.2:V.99]

          Maybe some of the readers here not satisfied with my answer. I already do my best. I also find some other reference to support my ideas here. I have read this problem that is our topic tonight in one book. The book wrote by Dr. Danial Zanial Abidin with title Tuan Bertanya, Dr. Danial Menjawab. There are many questions inside the book that discussing more details in Islam. And one of the questions is about the uses of the word “We” by Allah. So maybe you can find this book in book stores and you can get clearer answer from Dr.

          This entry is going to be my 8th entry in my blog and the 7th entry in English. My blog is still too young and my knowledge still too shallow. Of course I have to read more and learn more from experienced persons. Thank you for supporting my blog. Hope that I can be a better blogger in the future. I also hope that all my messages that I delivered in this blog can be absorb by the readers. And most important thing that, I hope I can be a good da’ie.

So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place.
[MUHAMMAD Ch.47:V.19]


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